France Tv ~ Tv Broadcast feature

France Tv ~ Tv Broadcast feature

For the Month of July, the Plygrnd team had been busy, although we appeared silent, we had the pleasure of working alongside France TV - France 2, on a piece around Tooth gems & Grillz, and the growing popularity across Europe and the world.

We spoke on the expansion of Grill and tooth adornment, what's is better than a Tooth gem? - A Grill perhaps? 

This 3min short, was broadcasted on France Tv (equivalent to our UK, BBC 1). Capturing the beautiful behind the scenes process, from creation to delivery, meet our infamous client @chardeslandes and the see first hand, her genuine reaction to her new Grillz!!

We talk a good talk, but being creative, is always at the heart, of what we do, many pieces that don't make Tv or social media, but they will always be special to us and our clients. 

So grateful that  @chardeslandes was able to showcase her amazing pieces, we thank you, and thank you to production team for shining a little light on your girls.

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